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Have we got enough childcare in Bedford? - Parent / Carer Survey


Parents and carers in Bedford Borough are being encouraged to give their views on whether they think there is enough childcare in the area. In order for us to best meet the childcare needs of families in Bedford Borough we would be grateful if you would complete this form


Section A - Your Childcare Needs

Is your family... (please tick one box only)
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Section A - Your Childcare Needs

How many children live with you and how old are they? (please type in your answer)

Do you currently use any childcare for your children? (please tick one box only)
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Section A - Your Childcare Needs

Which of the following types of child care do you use for your children?
(please tick the type of childcare and the age of the child / children you use it for)
  Age 0-2 Age 3-4 Age 5-6 Age 7-8 Age 9+
After school club

Before school club



Day nursery

Family member


Holiday club/activities

Maintained nursery school

Nanny / Au pair

Nursery provision in lower or primary school

Nursery unit of independent  school

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Section A - Your Childcare Needs

If you do not use any childcare what is the main reason for not doing so? (please tick one box only)
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Section A - Your Childcare Needs

In the last year, have childcare problems stopped you (or your partner) from starting / or carrying on in work or training?
(please tick one box only)
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Section B - Free Entitlement to Early Education

At the moment the Government is funding childcare for some 2 year olds. If you get certain benefits, earn less than £16,190 per year, or if your child has a disability, special educational need, is looked after or adopted then you may be eligible.

Do you have a child aged 2 years old who is able to get 2 year old funding?  (please tick one box only)
Have you been on the childcare website (www.childcarechoices.gov.uk)? (please tick one box only)
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Section B - Free Entitlement to Early Education

If you do not take up your childcare funding, what is you main reason for not doing so? (please tick one box only)
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Section C - Financial Support

Do you know about the following funds that can help towards your childcare?  (please tick one box per row)
  Aware of and receive/ have received Aware of and have not received Not aware
Tax free Childcare

Employer childcare vouchers

Care to Learn

Childcare Element of Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit
For further information on the help towards the costs of childcare please contact Bedford Borough Family Information Service on 0800 023 2057 or visit www.fis.bedford.gov.uk
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Section D - Future Childcare Needs

What are your childcare needs for the next 18 months? (please tick all that apply)
Would you need childcare: (please tick all that apply)
Which of the following are most important to you when choosing childcare? (please tick all that apply)
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Section E: Family Information Service

Do you know about the information and support Bedford Borough Family Information Service (FIS) can give?
(please tick one box only)
Have you used the Family Information Service before? (please tick one box only)
If yes, was it? (please tick one box only)
Were you happy with the service you received? (please tick one box only)
Bedford Borough Family Information Service is an information service for parents and carers of children and young people. For information on local childcare services please call 0800 023 2057 or visit www.fis.bedford.gov.uk
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Section F - Children Centre Services

Do you know where to find your local Children's Centre? (please tick one box only)
Have you used a Children's Centre in the last 12 months? (please tick one box only)
If you went to a Children's Centre which service did you use? (please tick all that apply)
If you have used a children’s centre over the last year how happy were you with the services you got?
(please tick one box only)
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Section G - About You

The following information is for our records, and aims to make sure that we listen to the views of all the people in our community. It will help us understand responses in greater detail by seeing 'who thinks what'. Like the rest of the survey, all the questions are optional and any responses received will be treated in confidence.
Gender (please tick one box only)
If female, are you currently pregnant?  (please tick one box only)
Is your present gender the one you were assigned at birth? (please tick one box only)
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Section G - About You

What is your age? (please tick one box only)
Do you have any of the following conditions? (please tick all the boxes that apply)
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Section G - About You

What is your Ethnic Group? (please tick one box only)
Which of the following best describes your religion/faith or belief? (please tick one box only)
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Section G - About You

Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? (please tick one box only)
GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. Under new Data Protection regulations (GDPR) Bedford Borough council needs to inform you of the reasons why we are capturing your data and what we will do with your data. Any personal data collected and/or processed under this policy/ procedure will be dealt with in accordance with Data Protection Legislation and the Council’s Data Protection Policy. Data is held securely and accessed by, and disclosed to, only individuals where relevant to this policy/procedure. To find out more information on this follow the link below. To view the council’s current Privacy Notices visit www.bedford.gov.uk/gdprprivacy

Comments received will be published, but personal information will not be.
Thank you for taking part in the survey
Please click 'Submit' to send us your response
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